
Last week, to express myself in a really stylish way, my mood was pretty wavy, mostly due to a back injury. I tried to cling to my inner peace, but I couldn’t avoid sinking underwater. At first, we protest because it is not good to feel “not good”. However, sometimes it really doesn’t hurt to look around under the water. Because if we can face ourselves, if we recognize the pieces of rubbish still floating there after years of spiritual cleansing, then drowning makes sense. And if, after realizing all of this, we finally get to the surface and take a deep breath, we can give thanks for our existence. If we are able to get rid of the garbage that is poisonous to our souls — in my case, resistance, judgment, struggle, and anger, if we can lovingly let go of what is leaving, there will be room to receive the new and thus be one step closer to the real ourselves, to the happiness within.


Breath - Oil on 18 x 14 x 3/4" canvas⁣